
Oklahoma City Family Divorce Lawyer


Lives change every day. The terms you agreed to during your divorce may no longer apply. When changes come up that might affect your child support order, contact an Oklahoma City family lawyer immediately to file for a modification of child custody.

Changing Orders for Changing Lives

You may request a modification of child custody for many reasons. Perhaps your job is taking you out of state or on frequent business trips, and can no longer share custody as reliably as you once could. Perhaps you fear that your child’s visitation with your ex-spouse is causing more harm than good, and wish to file a protective restraining order and call a halt on visitations. No matter what your circumstances are, a good family lawyer can review your options with you and help you file a claim. From there, the court will review your case and decide if your claim is acting within your children’s best interests.

Oklahoma City’s Family Lawyer

At our firm, our Oklahoma City child custody lawyers have successfully helped many clients modify their child custody orders. From filing the necessary paperwork to helping streamline the court processes, we work hard to make sure that your concerns are seen to as soon as possible, so that you and your children can start living your lives more comfortably. To start filing your modification of child custody claim, contact us for a free consultation with a top Oklahoma City family lawyer today.